Fire Restoration | How Can I Prevent an Office Fire?

Small or large, your office is prone to needing fire restoration. With an array of electronic equipment and employees in small quarters, it is important to keep things in line to keep everyone safe. You are able to prevent an office fire by following these simple steps.

Avoid Paper Build-Ups

Paper is flammable, and offices require a lot of it! Just make sure that paper piles don’t pose issues or build up near high-risk areas.

Don’t Burn Candles

The office is not really the place for candle burning. With loose papers and little room for possible stray flicks of the flame, you are quite literally playing with fire. So, eliminate the risk by completely eliminating candles.

Regularly Check Electrical Cords

Overheating, fraying, and other issues can arise when a lot of power is being used. So, check cords and power strips on a regular basis to ensure that they are functioning properly.

Basket with cleaning items on blurry background

Keep Heat-Producing Tech Away

If you have a microwave, printer, or other technology that runs the potential to overheat, keep it a farther distance from your employees and hazards. This includes water sources and hazardous materials.

Store Hazardous Materials

Keyboard cleaners and other cleaning supplies are fire hazards. Keep them stored as the bottle directs to ensure that they do not combust or are at least contained, should they pose an issue.

Are You in Need of Fire Restoration?

Commercial fires happen. However, it is possible to restore your office and get back to work! So, Contact us today to learn about our fire restoration.

Contact Us

If this is an emergency, please call us 24/7 for immediate service - (561) 717-7070.